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Writer's pictureLisa Archilla

Want to Become a Home Organizer? Four Aspects of the Business You Need to Know to Be Successful

The Home Organizing Industry is attracting more and more attention. In 2021 the market size of the industry was approximately $11.4 billion and expected to continue growing at a 4% rate. It is a great time to enter the industry – provided you have the right skillset and expectations. There are Four Aspects to creating and sustaining a successful organizing business: People, Organizing, Business, Mindset.

Most people are introduced to home organizing through TV shows like Get Organized with the Home Edit, Tiding Up with Marie Kondo, Cassandra Aarssen’s Hot Mess House, or even Hoarders. Despite what these popular TV shows portray, there is so much more to being a professional organizer than just being good at organizing.


First and foremost, organizing is about people and transformation. It is a service industry.

Organizing is about helping people create a space that functions better and feels satisfying and peaceful. It’s about finding the layout or the system that works the best for their personality and life style. And, it’s about bringing their vision of the space into reality. It’s transformation on a personal and physical level.

An organizer needs to be able to work with different types of clients.

As an organizer you will be in people’s personal spaces handling their personal possessions and information. Especially in decluttering jobs the client may experience a real vulnerability. It may have taken them a long time just to have the courage to reach out to someone. A good organizer listens well and adjusts their approach and pace according to the client’s needs. They lead without judgement. And very often the transformation is life changing.

And then some clients have less need for the emotional support, and more for your expertise in organizing, design and product choice. Meeting the needs of this client also begins with asking questions and listening. They need to trust that the organizer will do a high-quality professional job in a timely manner that improves their situation. It’s a different type of transformation, but it’s still very much a service that impacts lives.

Another thing to know about the people you'll be helping is that most every client will be coming from a place of stress. Things like a divorce, illness, disability, death of a loved one, a move, or a remodel are all reasons that people reach out for an organizer. And they’re all stressful situations.

Empathic people are often drawn to the organizing industry because they want to help people. This can be a great asset when the organizer has strong and practiced boundaries. But even if you don’t consider yourself empathetic, a love for people and the ability to communicate are critical skills for the home organizer.


I suppose it goes without saying that an organizer needs to be good at organizing. But, here are seven basic skills that every organizer should have.

  1. Problem solving skills – both for the physical space and for the productivity and systems of the client.·

  2. Good spacial skills – seeing the potential of how things fit inside a space and being able to envision multiple options.

  3. A clear sequenced process in order to complete jobs in an efficient and timely manner.

  4. Understanding of routines and productivity and how to customize systems per client.

  5. The ability to quickly sort things into like categories.

  6. Knowledge of organizing products on the market like containers and shelving and where to shop.

  7. The ability to assemble product like a basic shelving unit.


The best organizer in town won’t last long if they don’t have good business skills. If your goal is to work for a Pro Organizer as an Assistant than this is not as critical. But if you are looking to start your own organizing business either as a side hustle or a full-time job there is a lot to know.

You would be a solo entrepreneur or a solopreneur so you would be doing everything by yourself at least at first. You would need to know about starting a small business including the legal aspects, insurance, setting up a website, marketing, social media, billing, bookkeeping, and tech.

As your business gets established, you’ll need to have a plan for growth and sustainability. If you choose to scale your business, you may need to add virtual administrative staff and Assistant Organizers.


You may be an excellent organizer, lover of people, and savvy entrepreneur, but if you’ve got low self-esteem, lack of confidence and other limiting beliefs about money and people you’re going to struggle. You’ll find it hard to get clients, to make money, you’ll have poor client experiences, and you’re going to feel emotionally drained and physically tired.

Mindset is the set of beliefs that we function from. It’s the source of every decision and direction we take and the determiner of our future experience. Mindset encompasses four important aspects of ourselves: The mind, the emotions, the body, and the spirit. When all of these are in balance you have a healthy mindset, and you generate success in all areas of life.

If you’re thinking of entering the organizing industry, it’s valuable to know how you see yourself in relationship to the four aspects. How are your people, organizing, and business skills? And are you willing to do the inner personal growth work to achieve success?

When I started my own organizing business in 2017 I was not in balance. It was slow going and discouraging at times. But it was also exciting and adventurous and fun, and frankly, the best decision I could’ve made. You grow as you go.

I get that starting a business is not everyone's cup of tea. If you can see yourself earning money as an organizer, but don’t want to start a business, becoming an Assistant Organizer is a great alternative.

Working with people can be so rewarding. The creative process of organizing can really light you up. The satisfaction of being a successful entrepreneur is empowering. And, the peace, wellbeing, and prosperity of a balanced life is the best model you could create for your clients.

Curious about working as an Assistant Organizer? Click here for more info.


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