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  • Writer's pictureLisa Archilla

"Is a Life Coaching Certification the Next Step for The Conscious Organizer?"

Yes! A next step, and a new direction

I loved the concept of The Conscious Organizer when I started posting in 2022, but something just didn't feel right so I decided to take some time for self-reflection and reassess what I really wanted to do. In that year off it became clear to me that life coaching was the direction my heart and intuition were taking me. In June of 2024 I became a Certified Life Coach through Mindvalley.

The Conscious Organizer is now directed towards helping people who struggle with organization and clutter overcome the hurdles of lack of motivation, unproductive habits, and negative self-image to finally create a physical space that brings them peace and satisfaction by transforming the inner space of the mind.

Organize Your Mind, Transform Your Life

Originally TCO was directed toward helping Professional Organizers with the soft skills of entrepreneurship in the home service industry, but my heart was just not in the business side of things.

What lights me up is seeing people's lives transformed. I know from my own experience, and from seven years as a professional organizer that our homes and offices are just a reflection of our mind and emotions. We can't make a meaningful change in our environment without first doing some decluttering on the inside.

I've had my own inner decluttering to do so I understand the struggle.

So if you are someone who dreams about having a beautiful peaceful home and can't seem to get there, please join me for inspiration and resources on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

If you want to take a deeper dive, subscribe to my website, for information on One-To-One and Group Coaching, Webinars, and Courses.

You can also email me at

I look forward to hearing from you!

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